The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Fruitfulness on the Frontline

Fruitfulness on the Frontline Book Cover


Small Group Course

The course for children and youth

Courses for Young People

Various Supporting Resources

Supporting Resources

Prayer Cards Image

Prayer Cards

Delve into the rich ways God works in and through us right where we are using our fresh, simple ‘6M’ framework, in a small group series or book.

Where you are now truly matters to God.

We all have an everyday context that’s significant to God, full of people who matter to God. But can we see how God might have been working in and through us on our frontlines? And can we imagine what more God might want to do there?

Brimming with real-life stories, biblical insight, and practical steps, these resources will spark your imagination and enrich your sense of wonder at the greatness and grace of the God who invites us to join his glorious work.

The suite includes a book (for individual reading) and small group series (including videos), which explore six ‘M’s – six expressions of fruitfulness:


Modelling godly character

On our frontlines, godly character is both modelled and displayed


Making good work

There is dignity and value in the everyday tasks we do


Ministering grace & love

God has shown us grace and love, how might we minister to those around us?


Moulding culture

How can we influence the culture on our frontlines so people flourish more?


Mouthpiece for truth & justice

Becoming champions of right living and fair dealing on our frontlines


Messenger of the gospel

Growing in confidence in talking about Jesus with people on our frontlines

‘It felt possible. Attainable. Essential – for me and for God’s world. So, with open hearts, read it. With God’s help, be it. With eyes full of wonder and gratitude, see it.’

Matt Summerfield, Urban Saints Executive Director

The book

In this horizon-expanding, spirit-lifting book, Mark Greene serves up a liberating view of how God can and does work through us in our daily lives. Whether you are a student or retired, at the gym or at work, at the school gate or in the supermarket, here is a fresh framework for being a fruitful follower of Jesus on your frontline.

Small group course

Combining biblical teaching from Mark Greene and inspiring real-life stories, these eight video-based sessions will help you and your group see how you can make a difference on your frontlines and support one another along the way.

Discussion guide

Discussion guides for each member of the group.

Video series

Videos for the eight sessions. Available as DVD or digital download.

Video transcripts

Download full session transcripts. Helpful for those with hearing impairment.

Great value – buy a bundle


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Fruitfulness DVD bundle

  • DVD
  • Discussion guide
  • Book

Children, youth, and students

Various editions of Fruitfulness on the Frontline have been developed for use with children and youth. These can be used on their own and do not require the DVD or digital course. With thanks to our partners Festive (CU, Youth), Urban Saints (Teenagers) and our friends in Queensland (Children).

Youth and CU Guide Image

For youth groups (Festive)

Childrens Guide Cover

Children’s pack

Teenager’s guide (Urban Saints)

Supporting resources

Sermon outlines

The outline and notes for three possible sermon series around fruitfulness on our frontlines. Written by Antony Billington and Neil Hudson, they complement our book and small group course.

Fruitfulness on the Frontline | Central texts

Follow the main biblical passages used in the small group course.

Fruitfulness at Colossae

Sermon notes based on the book of Colossians.

Fruitfulness in Scripture

Sermon notes exploring the theme of fruitfulness in the big story of Scripture.

Fruitfulness prayer cards

  • Credit card size
  • Perfect for groups
  • Multipack options
  • Printable download

Fruitfulness on the Frontline Prayer Journey

A 40-day prayer journey to help you build habits of fruitfulness – wherever you are.

6M People

See the 6Ms in action. Watch true stories of God at work through ordinary Christians in everyday places – and explore what small (or big!) things God’s doing through you.

Further reading:

Being Faithful, Bearing Fruit | Antony Billington

Fruitfulness in Scripture | Antony Billington



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Other resources (2)

Frontline Sundays

Inspire your church for Monday to Saturday life… and Sunday too

Growing on the Frontline

An eight-session study to help you become more alert to God working in and through you in your everyday contexts.