The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Getting Started Now

We doubt you’re looking for another programme to add to an already overcrowded church diary. So we won’t give you one. Rather we’re inviting you to see things differently: through the lens of whole-life discipleship. Getting started on a journey towards whole-life discipleship can be surprisingly straightforward.


If you’re the kind of person who needs to see the big picture, have a read of Imagine Church or Leading a Whole-life Disciplemaking Church. They’ll signpost a journey and rehearse some of our learning from these last years of working with different churches.


You might be looking to encourage your whole church to embrace their everyday contexts with renewed joy and hope. The Whole of Life for Christ, Life on the Frontline, and Fruitfulness on the Frontline are great group resources and they’re supported with sermon ideas, prayer journeys, and more. All are available in our shop.

One degree shifts – six ideas to try

Think of a compass. If you change direction by just one degree and walk far enough, you’ll end up in a new place. So here are some ideas to affirm your community in their Monday to Saturday lives that will make a big difference over time.

  • This Time Tomorrow
    Include a brief TTT interview slot in a service. Where will you be ‘This Time Tomorrow’? Who will you meet? How can we pray?
  • Commission people
    When they get a new job, retire, start coaching a football team, head off to uni… whatever they do, pray for them. It’s a reminder that we are all called to different
    people and places and God loves to work through us there.
  • Do your reconnaissance
    What can you discover about what God is doing in people’s everyday lives by asking some great questions over coffee or visiting them on their frontline?
  • Stick up a mirror
    If your church has a missionary notice board add a mirror. That way everyone sees their reflection and is reminded that they’re a missionary too.
  • Pilot one of our resources
    Invite one of your small groups to try Life on the Frontline or Fruitfulness on the Frontline and ask them what difference it makes to their Monday to Saturday lives.
  • Get in touch
    If you’d like to take these ideas forward in your church then get in touch below and our Church Team will get back to you.

Get in touch

For more ideas contact the church team at Steve Rouse at [email protected].