The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Know-Go or No Go? | Christmas Appeal

A troubled Herod turned to the chief priests and teachers of the law with one question: ‘Where is the messiah to be born?’

They didn’t even have to research it. Bethlehem. 700 years earlier the prophet Micah had predicted it. But neither prophetic confirmation, the unusual star, nor the presence of the Magi moved Herod to any substantive response.

By contrast, the Magi, now knowing where to go, went. Jerusalem, with all its attractions and comforts, was not their destination. God had something far better for them, and he had a vital role for them in his plan: their presence confirming Gabriel’s words to Mary, and their presents both affirming Christ’s identity and financing the flight to Egypt.

LICC, too, is on a journey, and in the last six months we have seen significant progress in the cause of liberating all God’s people for whole life Monday to Saturday mission. This winter, 25 dioceses of the Church of England will embark on a three year learning project with this aim. And every week, actually almost every day, we hear stories of transformation in the lives of churches and individuals on their frontlines. But it’s not yet a central, taken-for-granted part of the way the church in the UK prays, sings, teaches, preaches, talks or trains.

Yes, significant foundations have been laid and we’ve now engaged with some 2,600 churches – a growth of 1000% in just 6 years – but we have a way to go, and a route to follow. And this, we believe, is the time to push on. So, in the coming year, we will be investing an additional £275,000 to maximise both reach and impact, including £20,000 earmarked to further enhance the new website.

Please would you join us in this cause by investing in this season of extraordinary opportunity? You can help by making a one-off gift of any amount, by phone, or online.

All grace and shalom to you on the road God has called you to.



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