The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

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Leading a Whole-life Disciplemaking Church: the Call

Imagine. Where are they – that body of people who worship together on a Sunday morning? Where are they Monday to Saturday? Everywhere.

At home, at work, at the school gate, on the sports pitch, playing with the grandkids, working out at the gym. Imagine this community of people following Jesus with their whole lives, fully engaged in God’s mission to the world. Right where they are. Imagine this in your church. Imagine that.


98% of the people in church on Sunday will spend 95% of their lives beyond church walls. Where they are for that 95% of life is the primary context of their discipleship. And it’s the primary context for mission. It’s where they can impact both people and culture. It’s where they’re doing life with God. This matters.


The significance of the scattered church reframes the vital importance of the gathered church too. Think 10:110. Of the 120 waking hours in a week, no more than 10 will be lived directly engaged with the church community by the majority of people. There’s the opportunity. Connecting the 10 and the 110. There’s a dynamic interdependency between these two vital expressions of the church body: the church in gathered and scattered form. Our community, worship, teaching, praying, friendship and fun forms us for life with God on the frontline. And what’s happening out there will shape our time together too.

Culture shift.

Most churches need a shift in their culture to bring this dynamic into play more effectively. Usually, this doesn’t happen without being intentional and making key changes in priorities. Excitingly, many church leaders experience in this something of a re-calling; a refreshing of the desire that drew them into pastoral ministry in the first place: to make disciples.

Changing church culture requires grace and skill and perseverance. Yet it can be surprisingly easy to get going. The prize is worth it: the body of Christ encouraged and empowered to live well with Christ wherever they are. This energises us as we imagine it does you.

Where next?

The LICC Church Team can serve you through our resources, training, experience, and leadership networks. Browse the links to find out more or get in touch. We’d love to talk.

‘Two truths of which I’m really convinced: God really loves his church and God really loves his world = this beautiful and fractured place we call home. These are not disconnected. This love that created the church is the love we are called to demonstrate in our bit of the world, wherever that may be. We love because God first loved us. It all fits together. It’s how God works.’ Neil Hudson, LICC